This tutorial provides an overview for using Next.js Authorization and provides you with the structure for setting up a login page. The tutorial does not add a log of content or Tailwind CSS styling but more so provides the user with the logic for using Next.js Authorization. Also, it walks through setting up a MongoDB database and connecting the database to your project through an ID key and then through mongoose connect API calls. This page does require a username and password to login and are provided below.
Password: test
Insights Gain:
The insights gained from this tutorial was the ability to recognize if the user was logged in and to allow or deny users access to a page based on their roles and permissions. When evaluating if a user is logged in, the tutorial explains how to create a session when a user logs in. Then, when a user clicks on a section, the code will check if the user is currently in a session or needs to log in. This is a practical setup for most websites requiring a login and the ability to learn and understand the logic was beneficial. Additionally, learning how to allow or deny access based on permissions is a great feature within a web application. When a user logs in, the username and password goes through a series of constraints to identify if the user is an admin or a unverified user. If your login and password returns as an unverified user, there are restrictions of which pages you can access. This can be used more broadly for applications incorporating specific access to view and edit webpages.
To conclude, I consider this a good tutorial to explore the features of Next.js Authorization. The final step to publishing this applications was connecting my MongoDB to this Vercel application and changed the home page on the GitHub settings page to match the home page URL on this application.